Where can Spanish take me to? (¿Dónde puede llevarme el español?)

Wherever you want:

Check this figures: Spanish is the mother tongue of 425. 636. 709 people in the world, meanwhile 69.460.000 people use it and understand it. That makes almost 500.000.000 Spanish speakers all around the globe to talk with! That makes as well Spanish a language easily to find on the planet and, of course, with a huge variation.

It is the official language in Spain, where it was born, and in plenty of territories of the South American Continent, from Mexico to Argentina, with the only exception of Brasil and the three Guyana. In Chile, Puerto Rico and Uruguay it is not recognized as official language, but it is widely spoken in there. In USA it is spoken as well by the Hispanos in many states, check for example the clear-blue coloured states in the chart.

In Africa, Spanish is spoken in Marocco, Occidental Sahara, and New Guinea, along with other countries. Remember, Canary Islands (Las islas canarias) are close to Africa as well! In addition to that, Spanish is also present in some parts of Asia, think for example in Filipines.

Which is the furthest place where Spanish can take me? Well, probably here, to the Antarctica: the Fortín Sargento Cabral, in the Esperanza Bay, Antarctica peninsula, and Villa de las Estrellas, in Rey Jorge Island, just in front of the former Argentinan city. These two are the only stable civil cities in the Antarctica continent. They even have a school, do you dare to have an exchange in there?

Taken from http://www.profesorenlinea.cl/Chilegeografia/VillaLasestrellas.htm;
Check it, if you are interested in knowing more about this white Spanish-speaker place.
In Spanish, if need help, tell me

Taking into account the places where Spanish is spoken and all those cousins and siblings it has, your Spanish can take you quite far.

Couple of activities to share with you: In your opinion which is the country with most Spanish speakers? And the biggest city from the Spanish speakers’ map? And the most populated one? and in your country how is the situation of Spanish?

Waiting for your comments, opinions and ideas!

This post, and the two lattest one, were done using my own knowledge and information taken from Wikipedia’s article on the Spanish language, in Spanish, and the RAE webpage.